The inspiration I derive from sitting under a tree in the midst of a clearing in the woods on a windy warm day while staring into the sun makes for a great beginning to a day. And I just got in 5 Lou Harrison CDs...oh man, this is so awesome. I hope you all have a beautiful day!
I had a pretty good time...
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I had a pretty good time...
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could you recommend some Ravi Shankar for a beginner?

lol, "Ravi Shankar for Beginners" I wanna walk into a store and request that.
I am high on theobromine. Wooh.
memo to self - spend more time on philosophy and ecology groups, instead of porn threads.
Insert witty satire here involving the statements "insert" followed by "here" regarding a cliche thing that people do like writing witty satire involving the statements "insert" followed by "here" regarding a cliche thing that people do like writing witty satire involving...
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memo to self - spend more time on philosophy and ecology groups, instead of porn threads.
Insert witty satire here involving the statements "insert" followed by "here" regarding a cliche thing that people do like writing witty satire involving the statements "insert" followed by "here" regarding a cliche thing that people do like writing witty satire involving...
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Thanks, man.

Re self-referential things: for more along the same lines check out the first few chapters of Douglas Hofstadter's book Metamagical Themas. Actually, check out that book, period. He's a pretty amazing guy.
I bought Jim Henson's 'The Storyteller' Collection DVD and a 'The storyteller: Greek Myths' DVD today. Brian Froud worked on them too, so bonus. I remember them vaguely from my childhood, and remember them being amazing and dark and full of the elemental consciousness that froud's and henson's early work was filled with. So, I am looking forward to getting them in.
Why not...
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Why not...
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Ha! Reading but not commenting. How dare you???
I don't know both you and Sigma have been kind of busy lately. I miss you guys. But I think about you all the time and I guess you're doing well so no worries. At least try to come see my friend's art sometime today.
[Edited on Jul 22, 2004 7:34AM]
I don't know both you and Sigma have been kind of busy lately. I miss you guys. But I think about you all the time and I guess you're doing well so no worries. At least try to come see my friend's art sometime today.

[Edited on Jul 22, 2004 7:34AM]
grace given. with dignity. be still.
Yesterday's performance went well. I am probably going to press it onto DVD when I get a chance to, since we wont be performing (at least in Pittsburgh) for a while. Maybe Ill send a copy to some of you guys that dont live close enough to see us if you are interested. Have a cheery weekend....
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Yesterday's performance went well. I am probably going to press it onto DVD when I get a chance to, since we wont be performing (at least in Pittsburgh) for a while. Maybe Ill send a copy to some of you guys that dont live close enough to see us if you are interested. Have a cheery weekend....
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and you won't go to amsterdam? it would at least be more close..
yes, bless the gods for inventing indian food for us to like 

I highly recomend that you buy and read The Reflexive Universe : Evolution of Consciousness by Arthur M. Young.
off of or wherever.
Wow. A republican lady from WV just argued that she is voting for Bush, because all over WV they have posted elite info that Kerry's family comes from Russia and he is a Jew and they belong to a church...
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off of or wherever.
Wow. A republican lady from WV just argued that she is voting for Bush, because all over WV they have posted elite info that Kerry's family comes from Russia and he is a Jew and they belong to a church...
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Party. Drinking all night. Didnt get to sleep till after 10 or 11 am. Woke up around 7:00pm on Saturday and ran outside to view the last little bit of sun. Oh how I would love to wake to see the sun in the East. I need to fix this sleep schedule shomehow.
The lesson which life constantly enforces is 'Look underfoot.' You are...
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The lesson which life constantly enforces is 'Look underfoot.' You are...
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Hum. Some people have good results with melatonin, though I personally cannot vouch for it. I usually end up going the route of excederin pm when the insomnia starts to kick me in the tush.
Hope you get some rest soon!
Hope you get some rest soon!

I have not been working (in the terms of a paying job, that is) recently, and have been staying up till 7:30am every day. Its really not good for me, and I have been having a super hard time getting my schedule back on time. Im going to drink a whole load of 'sleepy-time' tea tomorrow and hopefully get knocked out.
My band has been...
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My band has been...
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hey i might go out to your show
tonight ill prolly have a sketch book
tonight ill prolly have a sketch book
Much love to you Eric!

I had a great time drinking with friends in the woods tonight under a beautiful sky. Good conversation, good food, good times. It was nice to relax for once.
The performance on Friday went well, and many more to come. I also am reading a book called Sexual Refloxology amongst billions of other books I am reading at the moment, I recomend it.
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The performance on Friday went well, and many more to come. I also am reading a book called Sexual Refloxology amongst billions of other books I am reading at the moment, I recomend it.
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Does my profile pic make you nostalgic for old-school '80s RPGs? (Role-playing games, not rocket-propelled grenades.)
That's the response I've been getting.
Or does it just make you wish you could step into a moongate in real life and travel to another more pleasant universe?
That's the response I've been getting.
Or does it just make you wish you could step into a moongate in real life and travel to another more pleasant universe?
Hey Eric!
Come play!
Come play!

Unexpectedly, my band Segue will be performing at a club starting this Friday, for four consecutive Fridays in a row, added ont o two other events next month. It will be advertised on a few major radio stations, and we will be dragging another band with us eveyr week most likely. Lexsis Jumps will be performing with us the third week (the 11th), and performing...
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italy is great, depending on the part where you go.i already have been in roma which is a wonderful part of italy. those days i have been in the mountains next to austria. it was very austrian still and not so typical italian foodwise. i always would prefer to go more mediteran. but nevertheless it was nice to be on holiday for a few days. i bought lots of pasta, oliveoil and parmesan there.
oh wow that is awesome. congrats! I wish I could see you play. nice band name too

Super busy. Band practice all day today. My friends are also visiting from South Carolina. And I have to meet a bunch of Russians tomorrow to go over plans for a performance. And much more.
Oh man, I finally got rid of all of these spywares and browser hijackers and data miners that have been plauging my computer for ages. It feels so good....
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Oh man, I finally got rid of all of these spywares and browser hijackers and data miners that have been plauging my computer for ages. It feels so good....
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So when are you going to write a book?

I just don't seem to be getting any notice, like the girls are being quiet if they do like me, I don't get the slightest indication that they even care that I exist. I'm not used to this, well I'm getting used to it and it sucks. I think it's the area I live just as much as anything. Small state, small circles. I don't fit in around here.