the only thing i felt today were his kisses. i was trying to hurt something, trying to hear a crack from my right pink finger as i was crying. trying to feel something damnit and it didn't work. i was still crying. i was still occupied by this. later, we kissed and my insides birthed fairies and ivy and pink sparkly dust.
let me know if anyone sends you money.......i might try that trick on my journal if it works.....but maybe it only works if you're a hot chick.......damn.....
heh, edit because i now realize that that might not sound as good typed out loud as it did in my head.....i'm saying that i'm not a hot girl, and you are....i, am a doofus.
hi! i am so glad this weekend is over, it turned into death feeling thanks to sparks and weed. i will never combine those two ever again. BUT THANK YOU TO MY LOVE, RYAN, who saved me and helped me fall asleep safely. he fucking rules. i like that boy a lot. we said our goodbyes tonight, he will be gone for one week. i... Read More
well what else can be said after "you are Hot" and "freaking cute"--which are both true. Um, you have great taste in music and movies. If you like Carissa's Weird you might also dig A Silver Mt. Zion & Black Heart Procession.
listening lately to the gossip, mxpx. bad religion, pepito. i think i have crushes on <a href="">terry richardson</a> and dustin hoffman.
spray painted records with my friend andrew. let's see if i can post some of my results.
so, hi! i never write in here, and i apologize. actually! that brings up a wonderful point. on friday, i think, i decided my rapping name will be apolo g, and i will only sing about how sorry i am.
tomorrow brings my last day of school. i Must Move to San Francisco by next quarter (1. Must Move to San Francisco capitalized due to... Read More
i have never smoked salvia before, i'm curious....I'd love to help decorate your new appartment....yeah i know i don't even know you, i'm just hopeful to meet interesting new people....happy holiday wishes to you