sooo me and saph went out scouting for some locations to take a few photos of her and take some fro her submission to join sg
we took a fair amount of photos in the end and spent a lot of time talking ect
she was very confiden undressing around me and could do a lot of natural poses herself without and prompting and telling...
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we took a fair amount of photos in the end and spent a lot of time talking ect
she was very confiden undressing around me and could do a lot of natural poses herself without and prompting and telling...
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no way ibtc :o
so i havent done any of these in a lil while now but heres a few update for you
if you are still interested
i passed my BA hons degree in computer games design with a 2:2
got accepted onto a MA course in games development designed by TIGA (games industry)
with this course i can work from home and complete assignments whenever i like...
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if you are still interested
i passed my BA hons degree in computer games design with a 2:2
got accepted onto a MA course in games development designed by TIGA (games industry)
with this course i can work from home and complete assignments whenever i like...
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one thing is for sure dont try being too friendly with people...
they either try throwing it back in your face when they find some one "new" like your old meat and they need fresh meat
or they have you on constant call for hook ups and to show you their tits on webcam... which is a bonus i suppose but not really what...
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one thing is for sure dont try being too friendly with people...
they either try throwing it back in your face when they find some one "new" like your old meat and they need fresh meat
or they have you on constant call for hook ups and to show you their tits on webcam... which is a bonus i suppose but not really what...
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been at work the last few days sorry guys
so yeah had my bike stolen outside of work yesterday, which was funny as i was just about to fix it today
as it had a broken back break, squeaky gears and clunky gear change as well as no back light
so this person went to great effort to bolt cut my bike that cost me...
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so yeah had my bike stolen outside of work yesterday, which was funny as i was just about to fix it today
as it had a broken back break, squeaky gears and clunky gear change as well as no back light
so this person went to great effort to bolt cut my bike that cost me...
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made a few new friends and they are quite awesome
but my ex knows them too so shes getting all pissy on my back about stealing people, but shes one to talk as i bought her up around my friends ect ect
they were once cam models on mfc which was a total shock and bonus as they are very nice without clothes on in...
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but my ex knows them too so shes getting all pissy on my back about stealing people, but shes one to talk as i bought her up around my friends ect ect
they were once cam models on mfc which was a total shock and bonus as they are very nice without clothes on in...
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side view 

last night went really well after a day of listening to a poop lecture about organising my games to be shown in a showcase event
and then for some more coding of my game and a group game me and a few friends are working on that will hopefully come out on Android phones too
met a few new mates out clubbing and they seemed...
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and then for some more coding of my game and a group game me and a few friends are working on that will hopefully come out on Android phones too
met a few new mates out clubbing and they seemed...
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sorry guys cant sit on this all day!
so im off to university now where i study games design, yes i know may be sad, or cool but its a LOT of hard work, trust me ive been doing it 3 years.
off to an end of year show lecture about where i want my work placed and how it will be shown to others,...
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so im off to university now where i study games design, yes i know may be sad, or cool but its a LOT of hard work, trust me ive been doing it 3 years.
off to an end of year show lecture about where i want my work placed and how it will be shown to others,...
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I'm nice. I think. Hello 

oh haii

Just an ordinary guy who loves alternative women as i am alternative myself
i listen to a lot or 90's rock and metal up to around 2008 as its all too samey now
unless im wrong? if so please do point me to some decent 'new' bands
i am a lead singer in a metal band myself, hence why i am the AlfaMale is its...
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i listen to a lot or 90's rock and metal up to around 2008 as its all too samey now
unless im wrong? if so please do point me to some decent 'new' bands
i am a lead singer in a metal band myself, hence why i am the AlfaMale is its...
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HAHA THANK YOU! ill add you on fb
nicceee what town in uk you from?