Almost here, the Herons, Grosbeaks, Grackle, Red Wings, Finches are back. The beavers are gone from the pond, but we have a muskrat in residence. As soon as the ground thaws out, will start working on the garden boxes. Been growing lettuce in the green house all winter, got sick on store greens twice last year, so never again.
Working on getting my fitness back, been dormant too long. I weened myself of blood pressure medicine which killed my wind and endurance. Lost a lot of weight and am going to retrain my distance running.
Lost a big willow tree over the winter. Lots of worthless firewood, think I'll use it for a vernal equinox fire. It landed right on my canoe, so fiberglass repair this summer to see if I can piece it together again. Lots of barn renovation (it was built in 1896 and really hasn't been maintained much). The goats and pony, they are happy and fat from the sweet feed I give them this winter, so they can stay warm.
More fence building as well, the old rail fence is starting to fall apart, need to expand the goats domain anyway. I think I feed them too much, they don't eat very many weeds. They are masters of escape.
Hoping all of you are well and are weathering the Covid19 storm bearably. I've had both shots now and seem to be going without symptoms other than a sore arm for 2 days. Collecting music to burn off the boredom.