Foggy Mornings, cooler nights, I guess it has to happen. I hate to run in the cold tho, at least my hands do. Need to find some good mittens, gloves just won't warm me up. The grapes and the gardens did well this year with all the rain and hot sun in between. They probably thought they were back in the south of France. American roots, but Burgandy tops. The opossums like them way to much tho.I wouldn't mind them eat some because there are lots, but they tear down 10 times more than they eat, very wasteful creatures. The cats think they are just ugly cousins, they sleep on the back patio like a family reunion some evenigs. My neighbor and I have a opossum relocation catch and release program going. he catches them and I give them a ride across the river. They never come back, so I guess they're happy over beyond the great divide.
Hoping y'all get all you need and not all you want.

Hoping y'all get all you need and not all you want.

Hey thank you very much
Thank you :)