Supposed to rain for 4 days, have to work indoors. I have a dying music harddrive, maybe I can transfer it before it locks up altogether. I had a really good network mini server, but Windows updates made it incompatible, so it is no more.
The vineyard is pretty much asleep now as are most of the fruit and nut tress. The squirrels ate all, and I do mean all, of my pecans, they like the thin shells. I've been coachin' the cats to eat squirrel, but they just give me that "fuck you" look, and take a nap.
Hope to get an old '66 Vespa 90 scooter restored this winter, most were red, but this one year had an optional blue, think I'll try that. I bought it in a pile of pieces about 10 years ago, 'bout time to get started I guess.
Raining hard right now, rattling the rain gutters, cats just yawned and rolled over.

BTW, As the great American philosopher, Groucho Marks said in A Night at the Opera: Booga Booga

The vineyard is pretty much asleep now as are most of the fruit and nut tress. The squirrels ate all, and I do mean all, of my pecans, they like the thin shells. I've been coachin' the cats to eat squirrel, but they just give me that "fuck you" look, and take a nap.
Hope to get an old '66 Vespa 90 scooter restored this winter, most were red, but this one year had an optional blue, think I'll try that. I bought it in a pile of pieces about 10 years ago, 'bout time to get started I guess.
Raining hard right now, rattling the rain gutters, cats just yawned and rolled over.

BTW, As the great American philosopher, Groucho Marks said in A Night at the Opera: Booga Booga
Thank you!