First snow of the Winter, only 2 inches but enough to keep the Mustang's enthusiasm at home. Tennessee does not cope with snow well, best to just stay home when it happens. Snow plows do not exist here and it never seems to freeze and snow at the same time so we get a quick melt. Went to a 1598 madrigal last night, Chamber music with a hand made harpsichord and angelic singers, very peaceful. Got to hear some French and Italian Renaissance Carols, not something your find on TV Christmas specials. Well worth the fifty bucks for dinner theatre, even had genuine Figgie pudding, which really just lard soaked bread with enough cinnamon and sugar to kill the taste. Sat with someone from Quebec so I got to practice my rusty French. Really enjoyed the evening.
Just made a batch of French bread, baking now and smells good. Tomorrow French apple tarts, made with more butter than flour, as God intended.
Stay warm, and think of pink sand beaches.

Just made a batch of French bread, baking now and smells good. Tomorrow French apple tarts, made with more butter than flour, as God intended.
Stay warm, and think of pink sand beaches.

Wow - my french is really rusty! I think I mangled that -