I hate to run in cold rainy weather, but I must. Need to get back to 10K again at least 3 times a week. 20 or 30 miles a week seems to be what I need to feel good, anything less creates guilt. We don't get much snow here in TN, but the cold damp rain is almost worse, yet not as bad as a treadmill. Following a fast cutie is the ideal situation, but alas, I have found none for a long time. Madam is most def a cutie, but only a walker. The French have only one speed, their own, not ideal for group activities. I suspect also, that she would not go for me finding an alternate even if I promised only to chase and not catch. I think I have finally shamed Jr. into working on the gym with me. I had to demonstrate that ancient dad could do 16 pull-ups and 16 yo could only do one. He's still faster than me tho, at least for the first 2 or 3K. I think I can still wear him out on distance tho, tortoise and the hare kinda thing. Sprinter's enthusiasm is short lived.
I did a 5K that was located at a high school once, and a lot of students at the school participated in the race. They all sprinted past me at the start . . . and then I passed them up a little while later. Silly kids.