Cut the last watermelon of summer this evening, a sad time. The Chardanay grapes are about gone as well. This Winter will be mostly post hole digging for grape trellis wires, peaceful work.
The politicians are really beginning to grate on my nerves. I keep telling myself that people don't actually believe the crap they're spewing, but when you talk to people, they still seem to be falling for the tell'em what they want to hear everytime. Here are the choices, possible change, maybe not, with a old far VP, and a flaky old hot head ex pilot[ got shot down and captured after he helped burn up the Forestal] and a VP from an escapist misfit state[ probably hurt a few feelings there, but think about it]. Not much of a choice I know, but I think I'm gonna take a chance on change, what we've got now is just so wonderful isn't it. This redneck hillbilly heart thinks it's time. Whatever your opinion, please vote, we need to start cleaning up this mess. A good start will be to clean out Washington, it's the least we can do.
Please register and vote, it has always been important, but even more now than ever before. They are not listening, we need to speak louder.
The politicians are really beginning to grate on my nerves. I keep telling myself that people don't actually believe the crap they're spewing, but when you talk to people, they still seem to be falling for the tell'em what they want to hear everytime. Here are the choices, possible change, maybe not, with a old far VP, and a flaky old hot head ex pilot[ got shot down and captured after he helped burn up the Forestal] and a VP from an escapist misfit state[ probably hurt a few feelings there, but think about it]. Not much of a choice I know, but I think I'm gonna take a chance on change, what we've got now is just so wonderful isn't it. This redneck hillbilly heart thinks it's time. Whatever your opinion, please vote, we need to start cleaning up this mess. A good start will be to clean out Washington, it's the least we can do.
Please register and vote, it has always been important, but even more now than ever before. They are not listening, we need to speak louder.
I concur -
Thanks for the exquisitely detailed comment on my Lunch Lady set! I can always count on you.