Rain, humidity, hot sun; It ain't gettin' any easier, but I plod on. Still running the 10K loop, think I'll stay at that distance for a few months. May get to 10 miles over the Winter, just not in this heat. The grapes are flourishing in this great weather, too bad the grass and weeds are too. Slowly getting the sound in the nubian Mustang, subwoofer is built and powered, not hooked to the radio yet tho. Looks good, but still silent. Only fills half of the trunk.
Been avoiding the MC lately, seeing too many bad 2 wheel things since the petro-rape started. If you try to use a motorcycle for transportation, you will eventually get hurt. Cars are just too busy with minsless cell chatter to see the smaller tartgets. Maybe this time we'll get some electric cars that actually work, not just promise to. Enough of the soarbox for today.
Go drink some good wine, it always makes things seem allot better, or at least smooths things over a bit.
Be sure to comment on new photoset Viking
Been avoiding the MC lately, seeing too many bad 2 wheel things since the petro-rape started. If you try to use a motorcycle for transportation, you will eventually get hurt. Cars are just too busy with minsless cell chatter to see the smaller tartgets. Maybe this time we'll get some electric cars that actually work, not just promise to. Enough of the soarbox for today.
Go drink some good wine, it always makes things seem allot better, or at least smooths things over a bit.
Be sure to comment on new photoset Viking
and for all your support and awesomeness
it is raw and beautiful
i was so happy that day i walked to the post office