Went to visit Mom and the 4 sisters-of-no-mercy over Thanksgiving weekend. I visited my baby Alfa Romeo in a cold dark barn in the hills of Pennsylvania. I must rescue her soon and start the makeover. I haven't driven the beauty since my 1st year of college right before my Vietnam adventure. I've been collecting new pretty parts for her for many years so I think I have enough for a first rate effort.
Had T'Day dinner at my extremely rural sisters house. Halfway between a remote Air Force Radar installation [once called the "DEWLine"] and Marie Antoinette's Asylum that she never saw. History reports that her head rolled before her exit carriage did. It was and is a very beautifully quiet and peaceful place. Probably would have been too boring compared to the ballrooms of Paris. Tho I grew up near the Asylum, I still prefer the streets and subways of Paris.
Number one Son was hoping to see snow this trip, but it was gone before we arrived. I was almost hot there. Climates are definitely changing, I remember ice skating many years on Thanksgiving day.The geese are still splashing around not even thinking of head'n south for another month. Yes there is global warming, but no, it ain't man made Al, you idiot. Maybe he's not as dumb as the board that gave him a Nobel prize for incredibly bad science but his intellect ain't even close to the Nobel zone. Anyway, I wanted snow for him, but not for me. I hate the cold, I grew up in it, and could never wait for spring. At least the Draft and the Navy got me to a warmer clime even if it was rather noisy. I still have my signed invitation from Richard Millhouse Nixon and the card that came with it, grade A number one with a draft lottery number 8. Haven't had such wonderful luck with any lottery since.
Had T'Day dinner at my extremely rural sisters house. Halfway between a remote Air Force Radar installation [once called the "DEWLine"] and Marie Antoinette's Asylum that she never saw. History reports that her head rolled before her exit carriage did. It was and is a very beautifully quiet and peaceful place. Probably would have been too boring compared to the ballrooms of Paris. Tho I grew up near the Asylum, I still prefer the streets and subways of Paris.
Number one Son was hoping to see snow this trip, but it was gone before we arrived. I was almost hot there. Climates are definitely changing, I remember ice skating many years on Thanksgiving day.The geese are still splashing around not even thinking of head'n south for another month. Yes there is global warming, but no, it ain't man made Al, you idiot. Maybe he's not as dumb as the board that gave him a Nobel prize for incredibly bad science but his intellect ain't even close to the Nobel zone. Anyway, I wanted snow for him, but not for me. I hate the cold, I grew up in it, and could never wait for spring. At least the Draft and the Navy got me to a warmer clime even if it was rather noisy. I still have my signed invitation from Richard Millhouse Nixon and the card that came with it, grade A number one with a draft lottery number 8. Haven't had such wonderful luck with any lottery since.
love a.
We used the gift card, finally ... and there was lots of yelling. We weren't drunk, but I did wear a plastic mask, and made her lick a plate. We yelled about a throne in the bathroom and everyone else was uncomfortable by our presence.
Yeah, maybe next time we go for sushi .... 'cause I think Meriweathers has me banned!