Fashion week is almost over and I am actually doing a FAShION shoot today! I have been veering away from the nakies and focusing on some commercial stuff, and acting.
me in white............. But I still love my nakies:

I actually have gained a bit of weight since I quit smoking, I'm feeling rather round lately, but I guess that is what happens if you are 90lbs your whole life and you metabolism slows down, lol.............

But my boobs got ENORMOUS! I went from a b+ to a d+ and they are still growing! I started working out for an hour a day for the rest of me, and it feels GREAT to be moving. Plus the weather has finally relaxed and we have had some warm days, it's feels good to be outside.
These pics were taken by my amazing man, Max Di Biaggio, who is an unbelievable photographer. (and for hire!!!!) Lol...............

I'll try to stay on top of my blogging, and I am going to be submitting another set in a week or so. Any theme suggestions would be great and gladly appreciated. Thank You all my friends, for reading. Kisses to you all!

me in white............. But I still love my nakies:

I actually have gained a bit of weight since I quit smoking, I'm feeling rather round lately, but I guess that is what happens if you are 90lbs your whole life and you metabolism slows down, lol.............

But my boobs got ENORMOUS! I went from a b+ to a d+ and they are still growing! I started working out for an hour a day for the rest of me, and it feels GREAT to be moving. Plus the weather has finally relaxed and we have had some warm days, it's feels good to be outside.

These pics were taken by my amazing man, Max Di Biaggio, who is an unbelievable photographer. (and for hire!!!!) Lol...............

I'll try to stay on top of my blogging, and I am going to be submitting another set in a week or so. Any theme suggestions would be great and gladly appreciated. Thank You all my friends, for reading. Kisses to you all!

So glad you're back!
Fantastic photos, beautiful lady