I just got back about eight hours ago. The trip was alright. It was nice to see my dad. He got me thinking about what I should do with my life. Though I'm still relatively clueless, I'm thinking I'll move out of state for a few months over the summer.
Life is dull.
I think tomorrow Pinkie and I are going to get tarantulas.
The weekend was kinda lame. Brad didn't come up. Saturday I went to Rocky Horror with Pinkie, Alex, and Alicia. Afterwards I had a message from my dad saying that my mom had called him and told him that my aunt died and she was upset bc she couldn't get a hold of me. I ended up talking to her for the first time in... Read More
Friday and Saturday I had people over both nights.
Friday it was just me, Grace, Pinkie, Jimmy, and his cousin Chris. Jimmy brought his dog... we got it drunk. I now have a buddy to drink tequila with. lmao
Saturday Pinkie and I went to the mall and got our hair done. Both of ours turned out really good. That night Krow and most of... Read More
April and I got into an arguement type thing tonight. She doesn't pay shit in bills, she doens't do the dishes when she uses them, her dog is a cunt and he pisses on the floor. I told her if she doens't start doing shit to look for somewhere else to live. It'll suck bc she's a freind and all, but fuck it. I'm not... Read More
Last night was pretty fun. I had a little party. I made brownies as usual. I got bored and started squirting people with a spray bottle and before we knew it a water fight had broken out. People were running to the sink to fill up bowls of water and dump them on each other. Rose became my main traget after she got me pretty... Read More
Grace, Pinkie and I hung out at the tattoo shop all afternoon yesterday. Pinkie got the Incubus tattoo she's been wanting. I starting thinking about getting surface piercings. If I get them it'll probably be either on my hips or my collarbone. Once I've made up my mind I'll go in... probably sometime next week.
Hey there, collarbone much hotter, just wanted to stop by and say hi, u got some good taste and i gotta love a pretty PA girl. Hope alls well. . . .Peace