Yin.... and Yang, Good... and Evil.
Perspective is important, in some situations it defines the reality that we create around us. I like to take the perspective of a Chickens Ass...
Two things come out of a Chickens Ass... Shit, and Eggs.
Two things, one good, one bad.
It is important to realize that good and bad things often come from the same place.
However, there is more than that. There is expectation that goes with perspective. Just because we percieve something in a certain light does not mean that our expectations are rights.
Eggs are not always good, and Shit is not always bad.
We expect that the Eggs are good, and will fulfill our hunger. We expect that the Shit is bad, and will be smelly and worthless.
These are small expectations, but they are significant none-the-less.
Just because we percieve that good and evil come from the same place does not help change our expectation of what is good and what is evil. The only thing that can truly help is to remove our expectations completely.
It is often said that you should... "Expect the Unexpected" This statement is often made fun of by saying things such as "If you expect it, then it's not unexpected now is it?" Perhaps this statement would be better phrased if you simply said.
"Expect Nothing"
By expecting nothing you automatically percieve that things both "good" and "evil" as coming from the same place. Furthermore, you will not leap to make the distinction between what is good, and what is evil.
- Everything I tell you is a Lie -
Alex Star
Perspective is important, in some situations it defines the reality that we create around us. I like to take the perspective of a Chickens Ass...
Two things come out of a Chickens Ass... Shit, and Eggs.
Two things, one good, one bad.
It is important to realize that good and bad things often come from the same place.
However, there is more than that. There is expectation that goes with perspective. Just because we percieve something in a certain light does not mean that our expectations are rights.
Eggs are not always good, and Shit is not always bad.
We expect that the Eggs are good, and will fulfill our hunger. We expect that the Shit is bad, and will be smelly and worthless.
These are small expectations, but they are significant none-the-less.
Just because we percieve that good and evil come from the same place does not help change our expectation of what is good and what is evil. The only thing that can truly help is to remove our expectations completely.
It is often said that you should... "Expect the Unexpected" This statement is often made fun of by saying things such as "If you expect it, then it's not unexpected now is it?" Perhaps this statement would be better phrased if you simply said.
"Expect Nothing"
By expecting nothing you automatically percieve that things both "good" and "evil" as coming from the same place. Furthermore, you will not leap to make the distinction between what is good, and what is evil.
- Everything I tell you is a Lie -
Alex Star
How have you been lately? Hope all is well over there. It is on this end.