So i don’t blog or write much , nor do I post as much as I should . I feel my life is private as many peoples should be . But anyways I know some people out here have had their heart broken by their significant other . If you haven’t , congratulations! You are the few who have understood love . For others, it’s...
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Is it weird that I crave some excitement in my life ? It seems like lately my life has been kind of lonely and sort of feel the need for some physical action. I just think when it comes the situation I’m don’t know how to approach it .
Anyways I’m just speaking my mind cause i got nothing better to do right now lol...
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Saw someone walk the cross walk butt naked today . I mean I’ve seen some naked people before but never out in the open. I don’t know what her situation was but I’ve never seen someone walk so confident about being naked publicly . Kudos to that gal, hope she’s ok 😅😬
Ok let’s be honest . Some of us out here are comfortable with their sexuality . Some of us aren’t . At the end of the day, I feel we’re all looking for someone to spend our time with . If you aren’t , I’m guessing you are on a higher quest then most . But whoever is reading this , is probably feeling the...
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