WARNING: Long winded rant ahead. Sorry for it, but I need to vent.
Well, the past couple of days have certainly been filled with suck. Where do I begin?
1). Managed to lose $20 I knew I needed for other things at the casino tables @ the PNE, forcing me to dip into my dwindling reserve to cash to make sure I had food for the next day.
2). Had my final dive class on Monday, only to be told that my instructors feel I'm not ready to go out into the ocean, thus making me feel like the past six months of time and effort I put into learning the techniques and getting all excited was a complete waste of my time. (I was allowed to make up for it tonight, and though I did better, it's still their recommendation that I wait. I don't particularly want to, because I know I can attempt it a million times and not really get any better at it, no matter how much I try.)
3). Learned that my local comic book store had gotten something in I wanted that I knew I couldn't wait till later to get, once again forcing me to dip into my dwindling reserve of cash.
4). Getting an e-mail from the company I had the job interview with two weeks ago and learing they decided not to hire me.
5). Because of the above, knowing that I have next to no job prospects, a cash reserve running on empty, a growing mountain of debt I have no means to taking care of and facing the next few months certain that I'm either going to hurt myself or allow myself to come to harm.
Have I mentioned how much I'm really hating life right now?

Well, the past couple of days have certainly been filled with suck. Where do I begin?
1). Managed to lose $20 I knew I needed for other things at the casino tables @ the PNE, forcing me to dip into my dwindling reserve to cash to make sure I had food for the next day.
2). Had my final dive class on Monday, only to be told that my instructors feel I'm not ready to go out into the ocean, thus making me feel like the past six months of time and effort I put into learning the techniques and getting all excited was a complete waste of my time. (I was allowed to make up for it tonight, and though I did better, it's still their recommendation that I wait. I don't particularly want to, because I know I can attempt it a million times and not really get any better at it, no matter how much I try.)
3). Learned that my local comic book store had gotten something in I wanted that I knew I couldn't wait till later to get, once again forcing me to dip into my dwindling reserve of cash.
4). Getting an e-mail from the company I had the job interview with two weeks ago and learing they decided not to hire me.
5). Because of the above, knowing that I have next to no job prospects, a cash reserve running on empty, a growing mountain of debt I have no means to taking care of and facing the next few months certain that I'm either going to hurt myself or allow myself to come to harm.
Have I mentioned how much I'm really hating life right now?

Good luck man. I hope things turn around for you soon. Keep your chin up and keep swinging.
Really sorry you're facing such a shit storm! I will keep my fingers crossed for good news for you