Well, the last episode of season five of Star Wars: The Clone Wars aired today, and I'm pretty sure it's the last one overall, for reasons I'll get into in a minute. Now, I'm going to talk about the episode in general, so continue on after the spoiler tag if you dare.
I've never been a big fan of the character of Ahsoka Tano. She is, quite frankly, at the heart of what I consider to be the show's greatest failing: taking previously established SW canon and feeding it into a woodchipper. I've said before how much I dislike the show on that basis, so it's sad to say that, having started off the season by screwing with canon, Filoni's decided to do it again in what may very well end up being the last episode. To him, I have nothing to say, except...
OK, now with that out of the way, and having said that, I'm happy to say that this episode does the one thing I've waited five years to see happen: the writers have finally...FINALLY...FINALLY...written her out of the show! *happy dance* Frankly, as big a problem as I have over Filoni once again treating canon like toilet paper, this alone more than makes up for it.
Also making up for it is the fact that, with Ian Abercrombie having passed away the previous year, they had to find a new VA for Palpatine. Apparently it was all over the fansites yesterday, so I'm glad I didn't know before I watched it that it was TIM FREAKIN' CURRY! I mean, I knew immediately that it wasn't Abercrombie, but I couldn't place the voice, and didn't know who it was till I checked the end credits and went like this:
Anyways, like I said, between writing Ahsoka out of the show and the fact that the end credits played over silence, I'm guessing the show is over. They only said they were going to do five years of it, after all, and even though there's been no formal announcement that it would be, considering the fact that the parent company is now owned by Disney, I just don't seem them continuing it.