yay for family visiting

that's a pretty sweet pokemon picture, sir
thank you darlin'
just finished beating red dead redemption. took me about 28 hours with the story and sidequests combined. i would consider it a definite class. i lovededed it. i recommend it to all who think being a cowboy would rock. now i can move on to blur.
it was my bday on monday. went to wet n wild tuesday. it rocked. hard.
Happy Birthday for Monday xx. 

Happy belated Birthday!
good times.
i really want to make this a great sunday. im so tired of being in the fucking dumps.
Right? How do these assholes even GET a girlfriend? Errrrgh. Whatev.
Thanks for reading my blog. I wasn't sure if anyone would be cool with it. :/
Thanks for reading my blog. I wasn't sure if anyone would be cool with it. :/
so its been about three weeks since ive spoken to my ex. she said she wanted to take a break but im feeling like it could be a bit more permanent. i miss her so much, considering that the break wasnt my idea. but its really hard to constantly be bending over backwards to figure out how to make someone like you more. at the...
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I think Hardy will put a good fight on, but he'll be no match for GSP.
called out of work today. feeling sicka than a mug. rode my ferrari bike to walgreens and they had no bike posts, the fuks up with that? regardless i hope i feel better tomorrow. i need that chedda!
