Little strange, i guess i have a new name. A couple years away makes a difference. I guess my real name of Lexy, has been taken from someone else and i am just shit....that sucks.
Keep mouth shouldn't be that hard. Someday soon I'll learn, as soon as the rent-a-cop learns my drunk ass ex should be taken away...NOT a call to me to come get his ass. And when I do, I love being told how I'm a dumb bitch and can fuck off. HMMM.....where are the real cops.
I've been in that position MANY times, darling. It allows you to take a step inward and outward, to see the good and bad. In the end, you don't lose out because you learn more about yourself.
I'm happy to be able to comment to you. Your message to me a little while ago is one that will NEVER leave my inbox. You have helped me to learn more about myself.
Intimidation is a strange emotion. I swear I'm not going to write another entry on my stupid thoughts. So just random facts....
-My dad is great, everytime I see him he tells me that I look nice. I was never allowed to be an individual as a child...always had to wear clean cut designer clothes, always had to have the blondest hair and the best... Read More
So lately I've been at a loss for words. I usually spend so much time listening, thinking, and trying to mold other peoples thoughts into my life (all written in many journals and random pieces of paper to be organized!) . I am believer that very few people have an original thought................i am one that doesn't have an original thought. It's not that people don't... Read More
I often find journals a great tool to remember stuff. Half of the time that I read past journal entries I'm like "I actually wrote that? Hot fuck on toast I can't believe I wrote that". Other times the past entries brings back memories I'd rather forget. But it cetainly makes for interesting times.