Potentially Not.........

I could have been a sailor
I could have been a mailer man
I could have been your lover

I could have been something
Im not
I could have been something
You'd want

I could have been a signpost
Or a clock
Simple and steady
Or something Im not

I could have been near
But Im far
I could have been living but...
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Still kicking out the sappy stuff I see.

The weekend has passed and night begins..
Sunday cries for Saturday's folly...
Saturday's sun came early one morning in a sky so clear and blue.
Saturday sun came without warning so no one knew what to do.
Saturday sun brought people and faces that didn't seem much in their day.
But when I remember those people and places, they were really too good in their...
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Although short around eleven posts....toolgirl's post ought to count as a dozen....
so here goes...a little offcolor comedy...

I have been wondering about the boyscouts. I just read yet another story about boyscouts getting buttraped by, of all people, off duty police officers who were supposed to be teaching them how to camp (read: pup tents galore) It wasn't even in WVA that this happened....
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Hmmm... the brownies... so many places to go with that one.
blah blah blah....monday...

i' d like to think of something witty or profound...

but it appears as though i'm not getting many reads anyways...maybe tomorrow, after this gets like a dozen or so comments.... biggrin
Post #1!!!

I'll keep doing this until I get a witty comment....
beyond the beyond....

and no, sad thoughts are not the only ones I have. Someone innocently wrote me and asked me not to whack myself. I assume they meant suicide as opposed to some ghetto slang for masturbation. One I would do, the other not. I 'spose if you get the blues out in front of you, they seem a little less blue, perhaps even...
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ty, ty...tho it will not be my weekend in any sense I will try to enjoy it regardless smile
no takers on the trip to Hell and the triscuits have all dried out....

if for no other reason, this sg forum is kinda cool as it motivates me to actually put down in writing the things about which I think during the day

the bruise......

You left without a sound
and now youre far away
gazing at your blue sky by the moon
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work work work.......

venn diagram: some people are republicans, some people are despicable jerks, some people are my clients......

figure out where the circles go and which is within which and you win.

What you ask is the grand prize?

Good question faithful readers: this week's prize selection includes either a giant butt plug, a couple pre-chewed Triscuits or a all expenses paid trip to...
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I want the giant butt plug damn it!!!!
The butt plug has been claimed.....freshly chewed triscuits are now available as is the trip to Hell, NC which if you are already there---you get to pick your own destination smile
Getting closer to halloweenie....musings from my handlebars. Sore as sore could be....

Well I cant remember when
It was nice
I cant remember when I last cared

Oh no I just cant be here no more
Its not about her its all about this
Why cant we try to work it out
I always feel so left out

Whats wrong with me
Is wrong with...
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Boys here don't call me howlie (well to my face anyway). They're too buys pretending they are in Jr. high and whistling and cat calling as me and my friends walk down the street.


The conclusions took me a long time to come to. some were easier to accept than others, but you gotta take the good with the bad. And it is true whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger smile
South Dakota.......where I once lived...

The trains' bound for Baltimore
the kids were on it
but i couldn't find the strength
i drift away to all those days
i lived....... sadly awake

Somedays come and gone
and all the papers had to say
is that our boy's made it big
and happy with his full time job

They say that their gifts beget gifts but...
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Ha! Too funny.

~Steph in Hell, North Carolina.
Gotta go go go...before its too late.

from the back of your big brown eyes
I knew you'd be gone as soon as you could
and i hoped you would
we could see that you weren't yourself
and the lines on your face did tell
it's just as well
you'd never be yourself again

saw you last night
dance by the light of the moon...
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I REALLY dug that one.

*Golf clap*