The election: Kerry's concesssion this morning was a class move. He was clearly beaten in the popular vote. Thankfully we will avoid the bitter one month legal battle that we endured during the last election. In some respects, Kerry and the dems are way off the hook. The president over the next four years is going to have a tough job. For Kerry he would have been charged with fixing all of Bush's mistakes ie..Iraq for instance. A very tall order indeed. So, my view is that in many respects, the loss by the dems is a blessing for them and people who support their views. The republicans now have the oppty to really screw up and usher a huge change the next go round. Had Kerry won, he probably would have been a one-termer thanks to the miserable state of affairs left by Bush. So pick someone strong and charismatic and let's whirl around again in 4. over and out.......
It was a very classy move. Had the election results been the opposite, you know the shrub would not have bowed out.