work work work.......
venn diagram: some people are republicans, some people are despicable jerks, some people are my clients......
figure out where the circles go and which is within which and you win.
What you ask is the grand prize?
Good question faithful readers: this week's prize selection includes either a giant butt plug, a couple pre-chewed Triscuits or a all expenses paid trip to Hell, NC.....
venn diagram: some people are republicans, some people are despicable jerks, some people are my clients......
figure out where the circles go and which is within which and you win.
What you ask is the grand prize?
Good question faithful readers: this week's prize selection includes either a giant butt plug, a couple pre-chewed Triscuits or a all expenses paid trip to Hell, NC.....
I want the giant butt plug damn it!!!!
The butt plug has been claimed.....freshly chewed triscuits are now available as is the trip to Hell, NC which if you are already there---you get to pick your own destination