So some good things!
I just got back from NYC. I was there since Wednesday, I was very fun. I went to the Museum of Natural History, the Bronx Zoo, Yankee Stadium(and they lost woot!) and all the other typical sites of NYC. Lots of good food their and I enjoyed it thoroughly. My fiancee's brother lives there so we can go back and stay at his apartment at any time. It just sucks to drive there
Also before I left, I had told me new assistant manager at work that I was going to quit unless I got more money. Apparently he told the store manager who said that they couldn't lose me and that they didn't appreciate the threat so they are giving me a raise haha.
Also, even though no one reads this.... If you could be in a movie, what movie would it be and why, and what character would you want to replace/ be alongside of? Just thinking about it at work....
I think I'd probably want to be in Empire Records as just one of the people in the store, In a Kevin Smith movie, preferably Chasing Amy or Clerks (I'd be Holden in Chasing Amy, and Dante(So Me) In Clerks)
Today I got some shit at work for saying that of the light rock crap that gets played at work I actually kinda like these songs. What do you think true believer?
Haha dayum, 90s light rock haha.
I just got back from NYC. I was there since Wednesday, I was very fun. I went to the Museum of Natural History, the Bronx Zoo, Yankee Stadium(and they lost woot!) and all the other typical sites of NYC. Lots of good food their and I enjoyed it thoroughly. My fiancee's brother lives there so we can go back and stay at his apartment at any time. It just sucks to drive there

Also before I left, I had told me new assistant manager at work that I was going to quit unless I got more money. Apparently he told the store manager who said that they couldn't lose me and that they didn't appreciate the threat so they are giving me a raise haha.
Also, even though no one reads this.... If you could be in a movie, what movie would it be and why, and what character would you want to replace/ be alongside of? Just thinking about it at work....
I think I'd probably want to be in Empire Records as just one of the people in the store, In a Kevin Smith movie, preferably Chasing Amy or Clerks (I'd be Holden in Chasing Amy, and Dante(So Me) In Clerks)
Today I got some shit at work for saying that of the light rock crap that gets played at work I actually kinda like these songs. What do you think true believer?
Haha dayum, 90s light rock haha.

yeah those one hit wonders really stick in your brain like a parasite sometimes.
movie? i would like to be lilly tomlin in i heart huckabees
i guess id settle to be a character in any Wes Anderson film just cause i love his films and the style of them
ooo Emily Watson in Punch-Drunk Love. so cute, so awkward!
thats so weird you went to the yankees game this week so did my friends pixieduzt and cpop maybe they saw you/you saw them?!?!?! LOL cool thought
but just so you know
you are long overdue in chat bucko
and yes it probably did used to suck, mostly because *I* wasnt there HA