Here is a non-nerd Blog!....
This week was pretty tiring, I haven't had a chance to sleep much, lots of work and other things going on daily. Yesterday I went to my friends b-day party/his girlfriends grad party. It seemed like it might not be that fun actually, but once I got there I found that I was wrong. All of our friends were there and they wanted to play volleyball. I was indifferent about it, but I played a bit. Then we decided to play some badminton. This.... Was how the rest of the day went, badminton. I have no idea why it turned out to be so fun but it did. Some of my friends and their girlfriends aren't athletically inclined, which made this game a lot easier for them, which allowed people who normally sit out to play, which was great. So all in all, good stuff.
Also, If anyone watched Elite XC live on CBS the other night, they'd know by now who the fuckin' man is.... or should I say.... Woman!
She absolutely dominated the girl she fought, improving her record to 6-0. A lot of people say she's made it far on her looks, but they are very wrong. I don't think I've seen anyone get into a rubber guard and almost get a gogoplata so fast. Also, her striking was crisp and seemingly too confusing for the other girl, Kaitlin Young. All in all, very impressive technique..... And she's really hot.
This week was pretty tiring, I haven't had a chance to sleep much, lots of work and other things going on daily. Yesterday I went to my friends b-day party/his girlfriends grad party. It seemed like it might not be that fun actually, but once I got there I found that I was wrong. All of our friends were there and they wanted to play volleyball. I was indifferent about it, but I played a bit. Then we decided to play some badminton. This.... Was how the rest of the day went, badminton. I have no idea why it turned out to be so fun but it did. Some of my friends and their girlfriends aren't athletically inclined, which made this game a lot easier for them, which allowed people who normally sit out to play, which was great. So all in all, good stuff.
Also, If anyone watched Elite XC live on CBS the other night, they'd know by now who the fuckin' man is.... or should I say.... Woman!

She absolutely dominated the girl she fought, improving her record to 6-0. A lot of people say she's made it far on her looks, but they are very wrong. I don't think I've seen anyone get into a rubber guard and almost get a gogoplata so fast. Also, her striking was crisp and seemingly too confusing for the other girl, Kaitlin Young. All in all, very impressive technique..... And she's really hot.

I didn't catch the whole fight, but I was enjoying what I did catch of it. It's not often that I see ladies in MMA matches.
I generally aggravate everyone around me, since I generally watch all of the MMA shows when I can catch them. Almost no one I know ever wants to see it though.