i went down to our boat house tonight to watch the Leonids meteor shower. FROZE MY ASS OFF!!! and i only saw one good fireball type meteor. boo! the Perceids shower this summer was much better and much less cold. hopefully the Geminids shower next month will have more payoff since the only place i have for viewing is next to a lake in the...
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well there is a hot tub right outside my bedroom door on our deck. but there are trees over it and a street light in our drive way. so it's not the best place for veiwing
hey my flight gets in at like 530 i'll be back in Cbus by like 645 or so...i'll call and let you know when i'm at lagrange so you can head out...ok...!
as it appears to be zombie apocalypse awareness day amongst my friends, i think everyone should talk to their friends and loved ones about their plans for the forthcoming disaster. make sure you have your plan in place! and if you don't know how to survive, you need to start learning before it begins. here are some excellent resources:



you can also learn...
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i wish there was a zombie apocalypse biggrin
i just found out today that i have to go into work at 5 am on black friday*. yeah, they are really going to be beating down the door for all the awesome deals at the PHENIX CITY RADIOSHACK!!! FML! that's a fucking joke! i'm expected to work from 5 am til 9 pm. which means i will have to wake up at 3:30 to...
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halloween was fun, but since i had to get up early the next morning i didn't get to drink like i wanted to. but my boyfriend got to meet my mom's side of the family for the first time ever. he was so nervous, but it was all good. now he just has to meet my dad's side...
i really do love the whole month of october, aka the season of the witch. right now i'm watching the Scream Awards and trying to think of how to make paint look like blood on dylan's toga for saturday night. why can't someone invent a fake blood that doesn't ruin your clothes and stain your skin for days? try explaining red splatters on your face,...
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Good to know. Thanks for the warning smile
went out with dylan's platoon(not sure if it was the whole platoon, but it was a bunch of them), going to a gun show tomorrow with the smenteks and then going to see paranormal activity tomorrow night. i will probably be spending the night with the boyfriend afterward. i love scary movies but i am such a wimp. like after i moved to a lake...
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Darn. I was hoping that Paranormal Activity would be actually scary for a change. I am bored with horror films. I am keeping my hopes up that "The Forth Kind" will be somewhat scary or at least interesting.

Hope you had a good night regardless of non scary movie. tongue
don't get me wrong. it was worth seeing. it just wasn't as scary as everyone is making it out to be.
hey there! Thanks a lot for your sweet comment about my set Rockin' The Attic! kiss

Yeah, the colors could look better, I know! wink But next set is by staff photographer and therefore definitly better quality! wink

i have a friend who is a staff photographer, but i got another friend of mine to shoot my set. he's been my photographer for years, but i'm the only one he ever take pics for and he's gay so i don't feel weird being naked around him. he's the one with me in the picture on this blog.
this week has totally sucked. the battalion has decided to make my boyfriend, dylan, work late every night this week except the night i had to work. which was only one night. one night in a whole week. anyway, i'm tired of bitching about shit, so i'm going to talk about something i'm excited about. octoberfest is saturday at ft. benning! yay german food and...
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Oh, you shot a set for SG? So you also will become a hopeful soon..! That's great! Let me know if you have any questions with which I could help you..! kiss

And you're having an octoberfest party? This is really funny 'cause I've never been to octoberfest even though I only live 150miles away from Munich wink
i had a class with aria suicide when i was in college and ever since then i have wanted to be an sg.

and the town i live in has the largest concentration of german people outside of germany. so the army base always has a big thing for oktoberfest. my boyfriend and i went and spent about $20 on kinder eggs and ritter bars. and i have family about an hour outside of frankfurt, but i haven't been over there since i was 17.
my insomnia that i have bested for 6 months now is back. it's 4:30 in the morning and i have to work tomorrow morning at 11. i kinda want to quit since i only get a few hours of work each week, and my last 2 paychecks were less than $90 for each 2 week pay period. so last month i only made $166. it's...
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Welcome to the site! I know how you feel about insomnia, I've had a really crappy bout of it lately.
i've had problems with it for 4 years