when i was little i was totally horrified by roller coasters. that lasted til 10 grade when i went with some friends to 6 flags over georgia and just got over it all of a sudden. now i love them! i always ride in the front if i can and the higher the coaster the better. but right now i'm watching bert the conqueror and he's at 6 flags over texas. i would totally love to ride the titan but i'm pretty sure i would puke my ass off if i rode mr freeze. i can't even ride a metro train facing backward without feeling queasy. if i had to do it while going 80 mph and doing flips and twist i would be losing my lunch. i think i'll be sticking with 6 flags over ga(my home state park), busch gardens williamsburg(my hubs' home state park) and the slides and water coaster at noah's ark in wisconsin, where my hubs and i went on our honeymoon last summer