Oh, man. Yes, I know, I'm a little late to the game. But, in honor of SG turning 16 this week, I've decided to post about what 16 year old Alex was like.
This is the story of 16 year old Alex's Halloween adventure.
Now, let's adress a couple of things.
Yes, I've had variations of the same hairstyle for years. Don't judge me.
Yes, those are colored contacts.
And, yes, my mom took this amazing, high quality picture of me.
I was always a sort of tomboy growing up. Every Halloween I never wanted to be the princess, or the sexy variation costumes of famous characters. Frankly, in my mind, it was too f*cking cold for that, and I wanted to be completely covered and warm if I was going out that night with my friends. So, this was the Halloween where I felt that I had the costume hack of the century for multiple reasons. Firstly, my outfit. I wore the fuzziest and comfiest pants I had, knock-off UGG boots, and a hoodie. I felt like a genius; because all the focus was on my face anyways, I could opt for the most unrelated and warm clothing I wanted. As you can tell, this was the year I started experimenting with my newfound passion of SFX makeup. Using scar wax, little cut up sowing string for the stitches, loads of makeup, and all the spirit gum in the world, I became my own version of a lazy-teenage-Frankenstien's monster. It was great, I scared all of the people in my community in complete comfort.
But then, as the night went along my makeup started falling apart, and I needed a new game plan. I was not about to risk warmness for a new costume. So, I went back home, got the stick of a broom, some invisible fishing line, some painter's tape, a sharpie, and my trick-or-treat bag ( Yes, my friends and I still went trick or treating at 16. What did I say about not judging?) and went to work. I tied a long string of the fishing line from the hook hole at the end of the broom stick to the handle of my bag, and on the bag I slapped on a piece of tape with "invisible girl" written on it. Now this was the best costume of my lifetime. All I did was stand out on the side of people's front doors out of view from the homeowner who would answer, for them to encounter what seemed like just a floating bag in front of them on their doorstep, and after seeing the indicative tape sign, freak out and run back into their homes.
I loved it.
Let me know what you were like at 16, or what your favorite Halloween costume from your childhood was.