The San Diego benefit was a bust. I flew all the way down there, and the woman who organized it said 'Oh, hi, Marnie over there is dealing with the artists.' That's pretty much all she said to me all night. No, 'hey, thanks for buying a plane ticket and coming down here to give half your proceeds to a woman you've never met,' or anything. Not that there were any proceeds. No one was buying, even the silent auction pieces from other artists (I wasn't going to go so far as to completely give away a painting for a stranger) , where there wasn't even a minimum bid for some. And I spent a lot of time not talking to a bunch of strangers I wasn't introduced to. And fuck California for making me feel like a rebellious teenager and an untouchable, sneaking outside to smoke my cigarette by myself. I could just feel the disapproval. And you know what I found ironic? All my friends who had quit smoking when they moved down there (couldn't take the pressure, I guess) are all candy addicts. They all buy it by the handful at 7-11 before they go out, and always have a bag or two in their cars. Healthy California my ass.
Other than the benefit , tho, I did have fun hanging out with some friends I hadn't seen in awhile. I like them much better than I like San Diego. It's just SO not me. They can keep their palm trees, non-smoking everything, stupid little 80s mini skirts and Ug Boots (what the fuck is up with those?), and ubiquitous mexican food. It wasn't even that warm. I'll take Seattle, rain and all, thanks.
Other than the benefit , tho, I did have fun hanging out with some friends I hadn't seen in awhile. I like them much better than I like San Diego. It's just SO not me. They can keep their palm trees, non-smoking everything, stupid little 80s mini skirts and Ug Boots (what the fuck is up with those?), and ubiquitous mexican food. It wasn't even that warm. I'll take Seattle, rain and all, thanks.
all art every where(to be read "in America") that isn't involved in selling someone else's product is really slow right now. i know people who have been making a good liveing off of various art mediums for 40 years who are going bankrupt...
sorry to hear about the show happy to here about your friends, good people around you are a high achievement and an art all on it's own
you can keep cali and new york while your at it, places that so over sold what ever harmony they had that all they have left is a glitzy afterimage and alot of desparate people.