Sunday Nov 07, 2004 Nov 7, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email My son, for his fifth birthday, asked for a pet rat. We got a white one, a female. When I asked what he was going to name her, he considered for a moment, and said Sin. No kidding. I'm so proud. VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS xmt: giant iceballs huh? that's pretty bizarre. i hadn't heard. actually the world ended 7 days, 12 hours, and some odd minutes ago... Nov 10, 2004 sansseraph: yeah! just been too busy to update. oi life is allright how's your doings? Nov 10, 2004
that's pretty bizarre. i hadn't heard.
actually the world ended 7 days, 12 hours, and some odd minutes ago...
how's your doings?