My house is so clean! I scrubbed my kitchen floor, but it left a dull film. So I went out anf got Mop N Glo and my floor is so shiny!
My excitement over such domestic matters frightens me.
So, I am nearly prepared for the weekend's festivities. Tonight, we are watching some friends get married in Vegas via the internet. Technology is wonderful.
Tomorrow is the big 10 Year Anniversary Spectatcular BBQ Feast. I am making so much yummy food!
- mahi mahi with pineapple salsa
- garlic shrimp on rosemary skewers
- ribs with blackberry bbq sauce
- sushi
- mini creampuffs
- pitchers of mojitos
- and so much other yummy snacky stuff I can't list it all!
It's going to be a blast!
And then, the husband and kids are off to Cleveland for a week, and I get the house to myself! Woohoo! I'm gonna paint like a mofo, watch movies til 4am (or this season's 6FU if Heather gets them taped), sleep late, do whatever the fuck I want for a solid week!
How many domesticated people get a home vacation like that?

So, I am nearly prepared for the weekend's festivities. Tonight, we are watching some friends get married in Vegas via the internet. Technology is wonderful.
Tomorrow is the big 10 Year Anniversary Spectatcular BBQ Feast. I am making so much yummy food!

- mahi mahi with pineapple salsa
- garlic shrimp on rosemary skewers
- ribs with blackberry bbq sauce
- sushi
- mini creampuffs
- pitchers of mojitos
- and so much other yummy snacky stuff I can't list it all!
It's going to be a blast!

And then, the husband and kids are off to Cleveland for a week, and I get the house to myself! Woohoo! I'm gonna paint like a mofo, watch movies til 4am (or this season's 6FU if Heather gets them taped), sleep late, do whatever the fuck I want for a solid week!
How many domesticated people get a home vacation like that?

i don't quest. i always float around.
Assyria? i dunno