HELLLLLLLLLLLLLO! So, I have some pictures in the works. *laughs evilly* ah yes, great pictures indeed.... Those of which mere mortals cannot possibly handle. By mere mortals I mean your mom. She couldn't handle it last night!! Yeah all-right giggity giggity giggity. I am in a super duper mood today the perfect mood for pictures galore. If I can find someone who would love to give me the pleasure of taking these aformentioned naughty pictures of which I do so enjoy taking. So, at least by this weekend! Love to all the lovelies who are my friends! I am going to go get my cartilage pierced today or my tragus because my ear is lonely. I love you mucho! And now, for a picture of my Halloween costume from last year:
That's right I'm a hooker which you can rent for the low low price of $9.95 and that's my friend doing an impression of me! The real question is what should I be for Halloween this year? I realize the pics kinda bad but it lost a lotta quality when I resized it.

That's right I'm a hooker which you can rent for the low low price of $9.95 and that's my friend doing an impression of me! The real question is what should I be for Halloween this year? I realize the pics kinda bad but it lost a lotta quality when I resized it.

Yes, I had $10 I did'nt know how to spend.

Be naked....thats what i'm going to be.