Hey everybody! I felt you were deprived, so I took some new pics.
Hope you guys enjoy. I also put up some new pics of Monkey. My nip ring just got pulled, and it hurts! I need a volunteer to show it some TLC. Haha.
Any takers?
I am working hard on some stuff for SG photosets as well as stuff for you guys. I am taking on another job this summer, babysitting for a 10-year old. Shouldn't be too bad. Although, raising my puppy is pretty hard work by itself. I am sleepy, but I have no clean work clothes. *Sigh* Looks like a long night ahead of me. Love you much. Let's make babies.

well, i had a list of things to do today, and i had to scratch them out, as giving tlc to said nipple ring has just taken prescidence!
no clean clothes huh? am i to assume you are nekkid?
if you want babies, i'm sure i can work something out for ya!
I'm glad you liked the pics... they were for you after all.
If I lived closer (and wasn't sick right now), I'd be over in a second to administer any TLC you might need. But since I'm not, it might take a while.
That's the one bonus about my job... any clothes are work clothes. Before I got sick I was wearing a t-shirt and shorts. It doesn't matter what I wear, as long as I wear clothes.