Today blew! I had to call my bank about a question and they were totally fucking rude to me, I heard back about a traffic ticket I got when I got in a car accident a long time ago and now I have to pay $200 that I don't have, and now my unreliable mom has backed out on plans for tomorrow. The best part about the thing with my mom is she hasn't even called to tell me yet. She is a considerate person let me tell ya. It's one of those same old song and dance stories with her. My parents are divorced, she was a hardcore drug addict and alcoholic. Now she's just dropped the drug addict part. She is really unreliable, doesn't remember birthdays, never does what she says she's going to, etc. But, you don't get to choose your mom. I will hopefully put up some new pics later tonight. Good news, all I have to do is turn in a photoset and then it's SG city. I love you all!

1. bank people and phones=headache!
2. old tickets eh? if you want to know how to get out of it, right the check for $1.00 more than it is for. it will be marked on your record that you have paid the bill, but they won't be able to process it, because the amount is different from the bill. your check will never be sent to the bank and you won't lose the money. don't ask how i know this, just take my knowledge and use it!
3. get used to disapointment and it won't upset you! you know the person your mom is. unfortunately(and i'm sorry about that by the way) it's her loss if she fails to come through on her word. if you expect her to fail you, she won't get you down.
4. do you own a pair of glasses? if so wear them in some pics!
have a bitchin day!