From owly

Hey, sweetie, thanks for following to my page 😘💗. I have been inactive for few years( I wrote post about all, what happened to me). I'm back with NEW set, it goes up on this weekend! Hope You will like it ^__^


Thank you for your affection in my first set, "Sunflower"  *-*
My next set "HOT ROOM" comes out in 2 months. :)


🌺 Thank you for following me. I appreciate the love and support. Be sure to check out my latest set ‘Coffee, Knowledge, Nudes’ that is in Member Review now! Please feel free to leave comments on your thoughts, opinions and suggestions 🌺 Have a great day 🌺

From simalia


Thanks for all your love for my set. 
Your comment makes me really happy!!!
Kisses from France 😘

I did not know the band but seeing your nickname I thought about this member who allowed me to listen to a song, and I like, it corresponds to one of my style of music ( The Scribblings Of A Bum Loving Audiophile by Metalhornshigh | SuicideGirls  )
Yes, they are one of my all-time favorite bands. I'm glad you pointed that guy out, too, his music blogs are pretty cool. He obviously has great taste in women, too. ;)