Hi everyone! as i said, i'll share with you a few photos from my trip to Santa Maria, Cuba last week! As i'm not considering this site as an FaceShit one, Facebook and i don't wanna turn my profile feed as a FB one, i'll just share a few one with you. I mean, because they aren't in the mood of SG, like been sexy, hot and naked lol. But.... it doesn't mean i can't share beautiful photos! So!! here's some!
Holà Amigo!!
Panoramic view of tha Beach including feet! the Beach was si small that the waves were running under my chair!
and ours beach Bar/cantine stand get devasted by a storm before we got the chance to use it.
Great catch!
Dolphin in action. i know they are keep in captivity and they are not living as free as they should be but we can appreciate how strong, powerfull and friendly they are!
Party on the catamaran with a new friend!! yes i know my sunglasses are fucked up!
is that clear enought!?
AAARRRRRRRRR!!!!! Bring the Rum!
Rock island! lol!
An Amazing friend!
hello, it's me...
and an other one!
So this trip was very nice, i meet loads of peoples and drink as much as i can! and as you can see, nothing realy hot in all that hahah! but fun was here exploring the sea and the land sourounding the beach. i hope you appreciate my photos. you can see, i took selfie all the way except once, i was the only one with a cam.... YAY! love U guys!