I mean, I knew he was there and I was here, and I know he said "just friends" but now the status says "in a relationship" Oh well. Here's a toast to being lonely! Cheers...

To the beautiful boy I shared a bed with that Tuesday night:

I wish I had let you hold me with those arms so big and strong.
I wish I'd...
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2.5 miles, and 27 minutes later, I look like a lobster from the jog. I am doing okay so far with the resolution. I have snuck a few too many carbs here and there and I didnt jog last night but I think where I will be okay is that this time instead of a slip of the wagon meaning I have totally failed and...
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Three hours into it. Maybe it will get better.
A co-worker of mine and I went to go see a band play tonight. Another co-worker of ours dates a guy in this band. I thought it would be fun because I would be spending new years eve with a bunch of friends. After driving around for about on hour trying to find the place where...
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Tonight we say goodbye to the Lovely 2006. I have to say it was a pretty good year to me. It started with my second semester in college which yielded a fair performance, and summer school which added a 4.0 semester to my resume. this third semester at lsu was also good. I maintained a 3.0 and got a promotion at work. I stayed close...
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Was your Christmas wonderful?
I got to go home and spend time with my family. It could not have been much better. oh, and I also got cool things.
Sort note for my darlings because I have to be to work early in the morning:

I hope you all enjoy your holidays. I will be away from the site for a few days, I get to go home tomorrow after work! I will update when I get back. Maybe I will even get a few pictures of my puppy to post!


I do appologise for not having writen in such a long time. The show was Wonderful! Anyone who has a chance to see the girls live should do so.

With finals last week and Christmas being next week, I have been super busy between school and work. At least I have had something to look forward to; I am going to be able to have...
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Tomorrow AngryAdam and I leave Baton rouge to begin our weekend. What are we looking forward too??
Suicide Girls in Dallas saturday night!!!!!!! What good times lay ahead?!?!

Also, I finally made some perfect rice! I mean it. perfect!
How was the SG show?
Forever ago
Random thought of the moment... I would really like a muffin or a frosty and french fries.
Does anyone else eat their frosty with french fries?
well i eat frostys and fries, but i definitely dont dip the fries in my frosty.... puke

but i do know a few people that do that eeek

anyways i'm always up for a blueberry muffin... i just had one of those actually, for breakfast this fine wonderful saturday morning!!! everything is soo much better when ya dont have to work! smile

i hope you have a good day and work! catch some shoplifters and make me proud!

yak at ya laterz! love
the girl on my blog is Cat Davis... an old friend of mine form high school. she actually lives in town, which is cool. i dont get to really hang out with her much becuase we''re not as close as we used to be. She's totally kick ass tho! She was my first girl crush ever (back in high school) and there hasnt been anyone since so u know she must be special! LOL but i stole that pic off her myspace! LOL she has no idea!

anyways i love you and i hope to see you soon! take care sweetheart! love
Today I missed all my classes and ad to reschedule a test so that I wouldnt miss it. My head wanted to explode with every movment. I slept all day long. i hope tomorrow when i wake up it will not be so bad. fall break cannot come soon enough.
poor baby! i love ya!!! it'll be alright! tongue
It has been forever since I posted last, andeven longer since I heard this song. Does everyone remember savage garden? I must have been in elementary school, but this is still a great song.
School, work and sleep. That is what I do. it is not terrible, just kinda lonely.
Nah, I don't think I want to be an SG anymore, the administrators piss me off with their Makiavellian tactics. I don't want to give them complete copyright of my pictures for so little money. I would like to become a photographer though, I've been practicing on myself and random landscape stuff. Maybe one of these days cute girls will want to pose for me *fingers crossed*. Sorry to hear about your piercings. I just recently had to take out the bottom two becuse they kept getting caught against my waistband and after a month those are still purple, so I feel your pain. I still feel it was worth it too.Speaking of body mods, I just finished sketching out what I want to get tattooed on my arm. It's a cute girl holding a bunny in the style of Miss Van. She's a very rad artist who started out doing street graffitti. If you haven't heard of her and have a minute, you should google her images.
I feel ya on the School work and sleep thing. I feel totally worn out, But I guess school only lasts so long, and that frees up time when its over biggrin
Have a happy day!
Tomorrow Morning, 8 AM. Baton Rouge Here I come1

I wish I could bring my puppy with me.
Baton Rouge is still pretty lame. But the good news is, the cool people who DO exist stick together in shitty towns. So let's stick together sometime.
i'm bored.... just thought i'd post here since ur still my friend! smile