Well just thought it would be good to update and everything. Just watched Elysium if you haven't seen it you should. It was a fucking awesome movie loved the hell out of it. Haven't heard if I'm going to be losing my job yet or not which I'm hoping I don't. There are days that I hate where I work but mostly I love what...
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Well just thought it would be good to update and everything. Just watched Elysium if you haven't seen it you should. It was a fucking awesome movie loved the hell out of it. Haven't heard if I'm going to be losing my job yet or not which I'm hoping I don't. There are days that I hate where I work but mostly I love what...
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I get a small break in my life and then the universe is always like nope. Well after everything went so great last week and got so many wonderful things going on for once. I realize that nope just can't get life back on track again. Get pulled into the office at work and might be losing my job next week because of things that...
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Well looks like my christmas came a bit early this year. After mine and my roommates truck broke down two weeks or so ago its been kinda shitty getting to and fro from work with it being ass cold and such about the last week and a half. The truck needs a whole lot of money put into it to get fixed but me and...
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Well just sitting hear listening to music wondering should I just make a random video blog? I've been a member of this site a good long time and I've loved every minuet of it. And I love when I see the random Q/A videos. One because you get to see what the person is like to some small extent and you get to grab a...
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Thought it would be a good time to just do a random update. Well as for my holiday it wasn't all that great I got to see some family that I haven't seen in about eight years give or take a year or so. Then right after I saw them for about an hour I had to go and work a 12 hour shift and...
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Well for once I really don't know what to do with myself. I'm sitting here at home bored out of my mind, It's really cold outside which I'm totally not okay with. The one and only thing I have to do today is pay my rent fun there. And I'm going for a new job making good money hopefully I get it would make this...
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Well so kinda been having a ruff couple of days obviously. Didn't make it to the concert which sucked.....Found out my truck needs a crap ton of work done on it like 1600$ worth of work >.>....I can do alot of it if I had the tools but those cost just at much money. Lost another friend recently due to who knows what cuz like...
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Well kinda depressed just realized that I got the time off work for nothing next week. I had plans to go to the Rob Zombie Korn concert coming threw my town next week but I can't now and realizing I just got paid and yeah will barely have enough to feed me and maybe buy another pack of smokes for the next two weeks after...
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Well talk about having a real shitty day at work. Day starts out bad I wake up late for work get there and shits just all sorts of fucked up. Then my supervisor decides it's a great idea to piss me off when I'm already in a bad mood. Then he just keeps the hits rolling and full on brings out my rage causing me...
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