Well turns out that I ended up losing my job where I worked. But for some reason I took that news with a smile and a hand shake from the boss. Come to find out right after I get fired all of management in the store were really upset about losing me. I found out today that I am able to go back to work there and I just have to wait thirty days. That kinda sucks, but I got paid before and my last check today which put me sitting ok with making it through until I can go back next month. I've already been told that I can be moved to another department away from all the drama that cost me the job in the first place. I know it's kinda crazy to go back there but I actually loved my job and loved what I did. I just didn't love the people who decided that it would be good to bring so much drama from outside work into work and spread rumors over nothing but their hurt pride and such. Oh well to each their own. I hold no ill will towards anyone or anything. My roommate is being really supportive and is even going to help me make my vehicle payment and pay the insurance this month which I am really grateful for. Honestly in all the things that should be making me mad recently just haven't been. I've just come to terms with the fact that wasting my energy on useless things like that is kinda pointless and I have really great friends that do love having me around and enjoy my company. On a slight downside. I wont be able to make the trip that I've been planning to Texas next month which I'm sad about. I wanted to go back to San Antonio and visit family and friends down there that I haven't seen in almost two years. Looks like I'm going to have to wait a whole year to get the time off again. Oh well could always be worse. Well that's all for hope all is well :D
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