Well I think it's time for the Ale random blog......Well actually have plans for once this weekend and I can actually follow through with them YEAH! Going to a concert tonight to support my friends band and a few other local bands should be fun might wear my Halloween costume a little early see if I can win tickets to a Rob Zombie concert coming to town next month but even if I don't I'm still going to said Zombie concert :D along with like five of my crew members from work. Oh yeah truck broke recently and had to dish out a little of 300 to fix that from my trip to Texas fund :( wasn't happy about that but I would rather have a running truck than a broke one so starting all over on saving for that trip hopefully nothing goes wrong again between now and end of January cuz I don't want to start all over again. Umm.....yeah that's about all I have at the moment so laters for now.
I haven't had any plans since at least 3 weeks ago haha, You enjoy your wekeend for me haha, kisses ^^
well this is the first time i've actually been able to follow through with plans made in a few months either work ruins them or just lack of time due to something else. But I will enjoy myself not very often I just get to relax and have fun.