ok so kinda got my comp up and running with a temp patch on its hard drive to keep it from crashing at the moment should last a couple of months with this setup >.> go us techno geeks who figure some weird shit out on fixing things. Getting ready to move again yay so not excited about that since the apartment complex that were moving to already fucked shit up with our deposit and apartment and everything. Oh well shit happens ill fix it later i guess. Me and my roommate are going head to head about stupid shit stressing about a this move and b everything that goes along with having a short time to do a move in like two days. Over all life has kinda been shitty and one hell of a pain in the ass....not enough drinking so not enough cigs around the house and oh yeah still little to no sleep as always what the fuck O.O oh well guess i'll just do what i always do and take it in stride either that or beat some ones head against a wall cuz im tired of it being mine >.>
thanks for the love
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