ok just so people know im still alive aside from the people getting messages from me and such.....i am alive well mostly anyways i still dont sleep much if at all lately.....working anywhere from 40 to 60 hours a week still havent made time to replace the hard drive on my computer so its still down and out and even if it was fixed i dont think i would be on much anyways with all the working i'm still doing. my roommate keeps yelling at me im going to kill myself or send myself back to the hospital but not like im all that worried about it lately all tho he keeps telling me to start worrying about it......he also says i need to go and find myself a lady friend to help keep me from working so much.....i fail to see how im supposed to manage that when im working all the time......some times im not sure if he really thinks about what he says to me *rolls eyes* course i've been throwing myself into work because i dont have said lady friend but oh well......either way i'm still alive havent gotten sick yet or even feel remotely close to getting sick....but that doesnt mean that its not going to happen......so yeah thats whats going on for not laters all
Glad to hear you are still alive :] doesn't sound like your friend thinks before he speaks -.- Just do you :]