To those of you who read the last journal, It got accepted! Yay! I just went up to hollywood again last week to shoot a video and a new set with the amazing Cherie Roberts (and the kitchen guy who kept walking through everytime I lost an article of clothing) and had a lot of smiles.I really think they are going to come out great....we'll see. When we (me and my roommatefriend alex) left the shoot we went walking the strip and stopped into fredricks to check out some hot stuff for some new sets (Found super cute stuff) and spent way too much money BUT the highlight of the trip was the pimp we ran into who was buying panties for his bitches.
He said "every woman needs a clean pair of panties" HA It was amazing. After that we went to urban outfitters to check out some cute stuff and all I found was this Gloden girls looking dress.....
WTF! Overall the trip was fun. We rocked out to my ipod in my car now that I figured out how to use the itrip alex bought me in SEPTEMBER, and we shot a set at a rad location, met a pimp, ate at swingers, shopped and sped home. I' gonna try to go back to bed now....I woke up entirely too early Goodnight everybody.....and let ma leave you with this.......
]this picture makes me smile

Thanks hun

you are so beautiful