From eyes52


I just saw your set and it's Exquisite and you're Absolutely Gorgeous with Beautiful Captivating eyes and an Enchanting smile I love it!😍😍😍    reading your caption for the set it hit instantly the song it's from


I am aware that my opinion does not count for much but I believe you are incredibly beautiful and do not need the plastic surgery. :)

i need!
The answer to this is probably very easy and I probably already know but may I ask why do you need

From popsy


Happy birthday, sweetie!I wish you to be happy and successful in every way! I send you many kisses   muaaah!

Thank u, my sweet @popsy :*

Hello @alenagerman! Welcome to the SG family!!! @anoukevil said to get over here and check you are so very cute and sexy! I can't wait to see how you grow here...💖💖💖💋

From adoado


Hello there @alenagerman, welcome to SG. Don't worry too much about your English. We are all here to have fun and make friends :)

From ivylina


Welcome, darling!!! We have to start working on your English ;)

@adoado yep, sometimes I feel like it's about to control me and decide for itself what's better for me... Miss my old black and white Nokia
@ivylina I only got my first mobile phone 4 years ago so I know how to control it and make it bend to my will. :)