I was going to write this blog about an hour ago (12-ish), but I was caught up in something else. I still need to vent though so here I go!
I just don't understand what gets me so moody sometimes. Today was one of those days. JoAnn Fabrics called me for an interview yesterday, and I called them back today. However, the lady and I kept playing phone tag and it really made me mad. She called me (original call), I called her (she was in an interview), she called me (I didn't hear the phone because it was in Loren's pocket on silent), and then I called her (she had just left for the day). It really frustrated me. I hope that we'll be able to set up an interview tomorrow.
The second thing that cooked my noodles was money. The age-old problem. We're in the hole. Once again. All because of Christmas. I told him at the very beginning that we should pull out the money that we plan to use for Christmas presents. Did he listen to me? Once again, no he didn't. Thus, now I have about 10 examples of why he should listen to me. Every time I pointed them out. Big surprise, he still didn't listen to them. I hope that with the next paycheck, things will be a little different. Because while I'm not very good at handling money, I still have some good ideas, and I wish just for once, he would listen to them.
In addition, we were hoping to go to Aomatsu today. That was going to be our treat for actually cleaning up the room a little bit. Moreover, I was really looking forward to it, but with no money comes no Japanese food. I'm really hoping I can get that job at JoAnn's for that would be very helpful.
The last thing that bothered me, maybe a little bit of TMI for you guys. So if you don't want to know about my sex life, stop reading. Moving on I'm not sure how to feel about this because my head is a little controversial right now. I've been quite horny since about Friday, and that's a good thing, seeing as how it's been hard for me to have an orgasm for a while. I'm really trying hard not to feel upset about the fact that he's not putting in too much effort, because he rather is. Usually I get my satisfaction during round two. However, lately he's been having a problem getting to round two, and I'm not sure what to do. I don't want to masturbate, because I really like having an orgasm while having sex. I think I'm just sexually frustrated right now. Because before I wasn't able to have an orgasm, and now he's not able to get around two. It's probably just a mix-up of libidos at the moment. Even so, I'm still somewhat frustrated.
Other than that there's not much going on in my life. Christmas was fun, I actually got more gifts than I expected, and it was extremely fun to just bond with Loren's family.
I hope that Amy will be able to come over at the end of the week. Also, I hope I'm not getting sick, because I'm starting to feel sick. My throats all tight and I'm starting to get all puffy headed. If I'm sick, that sucks.
I just don't understand what gets me so moody sometimes. Today was one of those days. JoAnn Fabrics called me for an interview yesterday, and I called them back today. However, the lady and I kept playing phone tag and it really made me mad. She called me (original call), I called her (she was in an interview), she called me (I didn't hear the phone because it was in Loren's pocket on silent), and then I called her (she had just left for the day). It really frustrated me. I hope that we'll be able to set up an interview tomorrow.
The second thing that cooked my noodles was money. The age-old problem. We're in the hole. Once again. All because of Christmas. I told him at the very beginning that we should pull out the money that we plan to use for Christmas presents. Did he listen to me? Once again, no he didn't. Thus, now I have about 10 examples of why he should listen to me. Every time I pointed them out. Big surprise, he still didn't listen to them. I hope that with the next paycheck, things will be a little different. Because while I'm not very good at handling money, I still have some good ideas, and I wish just for once, he would listen to them.
In addition, we were hoping to go to Aomatsu today. That was going to be our treat for actually cleaning up the room a little bit. Moreover, I was really looking forward to it, but with no money comes no Japanese food. I'm really hoping I can get that job at JoAnn's for that would be very helpful.
The last thing that bothered me, maybe a little bit of TMI for you guys. So if you don't want to know about my sex life, stop reading. Moving on I'm not sure how to feel about this because my head is a little controversial right now. I've been quite horny since about Friday, and that's a good thing, seeing as how it's been hard for me to have an orgasm for a while. I'm really trying hard not to feel upset about the fact that he's not putting in too much effort, because he rather is. Usually I get my satisfaction during round two. However, lately he's been having a problem getting to round two, and I'm not sure what to do. I don't want to masturbate, because I really like having an orgasm while having sex. I think I'm just sexually frustrated right now. Because before I wasn't able to have an orgasm, and now he's not able to get around two. It's probably just a mix-up of libidos at the moment. Even so, I'm still somewhat frustrated.
Other than that there's not much going on in my life. Christmas was fun, I actually got more gifts than I expected, and it was extremely fun to just bond with Loren's family.
I hope that Amy will be able to come over at the end of the week. Also, I hope I'm not getting sick, because I'm starting to feel sick. My throats all tight and I'm starting to get all puffy headed. If I'm sick, that sucks.