Here's a new "have you ever" for all of you out there....
Have you ever had a date that was so bad that you'd have done anything, even faking an epileptic seizure, to make the date end? I had one of those last night. I ended up developing a headache about halfway through the date, and I have never been so glad to have a headache in my life.
And just a tip to you guys and girls out there: do not produce a pair of handcuffs in the middle of a first date unless you are pretty sure that the other half of the date is into either that, or you.
***Edited to add***
Okay, apparently some of you want further info.
I went on what was essentially a blind date last night, my first actual date since breaking up with the boyfriend in July. We've talked on the phone and the internet, he seemed nice and non-crazed enough. He's someone with not a lot of dating experience (having been married and divorced for quite a while), but I figured, okay, I'll give it a shot. We see a movie, have dinner, and it was sometime during dinner (and apropo of nothing) that the handcuffs came out. Seriously. I can't make this shit up. The first thought that went through my mind was "check please!" I begged out of the date with a (real life) headache, drove home shaking my head and saying "you've got to be fucking kidding me," and took a nice hot shower.
Have you ever had a date that was so bad that you'd have done anything, even faking an epileptic seizure, to make the date end? I had one of those last night. I ended up developing a headache about halfway through the date, and I have never been so glad to have a headache in my life.
And just a tip to you guys and girls out there: do not produce a pair of handcuffs in the middle of a first date unless you are pretty sure that the other half of the date is into either that, or you.
***Edited to add***
Okay, apparently some of you want further info.
I went on what was essentially a blind date last night, my first actual date since breaking up with the boyfriend in July. We've talked on the phone and the internet, he seemed nice and non-crazed enough. He's someone with not a lot of dating experience (having been married and divorced for quite a while), but I figured, okay, I'll give it a shot. We see a movie, have dinner, and it was sometime during dinner (and apropo of nothing) that the handcuffs came out. Seriously. I can't make this shit up. The first thought that went through my mind was "check please!" I begged out of the date with a (real life) headache, drove home shaking my head and saying "you've got to be fucking kidding me," and took a nice hot shower.
even for peeps like me who might like them somewhere down the line.
that's just plain creepy.
so sorry you had such a poopy date.
and so glad you got out of it when you did!
hugs hugs hugs