Got the word today, the new swank apartment I've been eyeing is going to be mine in a few short weeks!! Finally I will have my own washer and dryer (I told Babygirl that I was going to be able to wash clothes in my underwear and, strangely, she rolled her eyes at me) and fireplace. Two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a walk-in closet I could live in.
Life doesn't suck. Packing, however, does....
The packing is going well. Gotta say, my living room and closets haven't been this clean since I moved in (I was terrified of finding a rat or something under the boxes and various crap in my closets; unfortunately it's a real possibility in this shithole).
It struck me yesterday that this is the first move I've made that didn't revolve around a man. I moved out of my mom's and into a place with my now ex husband. I moved out to get away from my ex husband. I nearly moved in with my ex boyfriend. This is the first move that just has to do with Babygirl and I.
There was something empowering about that realization....
Life doesn't suck. Packing, however, does....
The packing is going well. Gotta say, my living room and closets haven't been this clean since I moved in (I was terrified of finding a rat or something under the boxes and various crap in my closets; unfortunately it's a real possibility in this shithole).
It struck me yesterday that this is the first move I've made that didn't revolve around a man. I moved out of my mom's and into a place with my now ex husband. I moved out to get away from my ex husband. I nearly moved in with my ex boyfriend. This is the first move that just has to do with Babygirl and I.
There was something empowering about that realization....
though really i'm a leo/virgo cusp. which means that i don't fit either category. but i fit the birthday predictions for my day like a glove.
okay just for you i'll put my rocky virginity loss in my journal. it's not true humilation unless i share it with all so in the spirit of rocky i can't tell you now.
were you big into the rocky phenomenon?
i loved it but was bad at remembering all the shout outs...especially since the place i went kept changing them all the time