The weekend from hell is over, thank God.
to everyone who helped talk me down from the shittiness of the past few days (esp. big hugs to Crymson for checking in every day). It's well appreciated.
Mine doesn't seem to be the only relationship imploding right now. Looks like my ex husband may finally be coming to his senses too. He's moving back to town and staying with a friend til he can find a new place. I'm not holding my breath, he's said this before, but I think this last fight had something to do with our daughter and sounds like it may have been the last straw. This would be a big step toward not only his relationship with Babygirl (who his soon-to-be ex girlfriend doesn't like), but in gaining back some respect with me. He and I were good friends until he met the woman we call the "Psycho Chick." I don't give out respect easily, particularly once it's been lost, but putting his priorities in order would be a start. He'd better follow through or Babygirl is going to be supremely pissed at him.
Four more days til vacation! Whoo hoo!
Update: July 19, 2006
The ex has changed his mind again. It amazes me that so many men desparately want to spend time with their children but can't, while others are given every opportunity in the world, but choose to fuck it up. Asshole. But she does have one parent who she knows will put her before everything.
Done bitching, off the soapbox. Three days of work, then two weeks of vacation!

Mine doesn't seem to be the only relationship imploding right now. Looks like my ex husband may finally be coming to his senses too. He's moving back to town and staying with a friend til he can find a new place. I'm not holding my breath, he's said this before, but I think this last fight had something to do with our daughter and sounds like it may have been the last straw. This would be a big step toward not only his relationship with Babygirl (who his soon-to-be ex girlfriend doesn't like), but in gaining back some respect with me. He and I were good friends until he met the woman we call the "Psycho Chick." I don't give out respect easily, particularly once it's been lost, but putting his priorities in order would be a start. He'd better follow through or Babygirl is going to be supremely pissed at him.
Four more days til vacation! Whoo hoo!
Update: July 19, 2006
The ex has changed his mind again. It amazes me that so many men desparately want to spend time with their children but can't, while others are given every opportunity in the world, but choose to fuck it up. Asshole. But she does have one parent who she knows will put her before everything.
Done bitching, off the soapbox. Three days of work, then two weeks of vacation!
...and thanks. my birthday was totally relaxing