T. and I split up. So why do I feel a little relieved?
It was a long relationship, and the beginning of it was good. But the last few months have been like trying to fix a sinking ship with a band aid. It just wasn't working. So when he canceled on me for this weekend (again), I said that was it.
With all the shit that was happening with my ex-husband deciding he wanted to be an absentee father, the ones who were really supporting me were my friends, not who should have been most supportive. And I sincerely appreciate all those who did support me (including all my friends here
All I can say is thank GOD this happened before I moved out to his area. I will probably put off the moving a couple months, but I had another apartment complex (my daughter calls it a "mansion apartment") I was eyeing as a contingency.
Right now I'm just gonna concentrate on the good stuff coming up the nest couple weeks. Two weeks of vacation, and a road trip to Cali, babies!!!!
It was a long relationship, and the beginning of it was good. But the last few months have been like trying to fix a sinking ship with a band aid. It just wasn't working. So when he canceled on me for this weekend (again), I said that was it.
With all the shit that was happening with my ex-husband deciding he wanted to be an absentee father, the ones who were really supporting me were my friends, not who should have been most supportive. And I sincerely appreciate all those who did support me (including all my friends here

All I can say is thank GOD this happened before I moved out to his area. I will probably put off the moving a couple months, but I had another apartment complex (my daughter calls it a "mansion apartment") I was eyeing as a contingency.
Right now I'm just gonna concentrate on the good stuff coming up the nest couple weeks. Two weeks of vacation, and a road trip to Cali, babies!!!!

That's a long road trip. How long is your trip planned?
Yeah, it's funny how you kind of *know* when a relationship isn't a good one, even if you don't wnat to admit it at the time, but you can feel relieved when it's over. Sounds like it's better this way. Good luck with the apartment issue, and have fun on your trip!