Looks like the reign of the horrible apartment may be over, as I think I closed the deal this weekend on a very nice apartment.
No more oven that looks as old as I am!
No more flea infestations over the summer!
No more rats! (okay, one rat, but one was enough)
It's in Gig Harbor (about 20 minutes from where I live now, and over the Narrows Bridge), well within my budget, and much closer to where T. lives. And for the locals in the know who are cringing at the idea of having to commute with the Narrow's infamous bridge traffic, I work nights, so I can wave to the commute as I drive by it in the other direction.
Now begins packing hell (and the distinct pleasure of giving my present manager notice)....
Update: It's official! I'm out of the apt from hell at the end of the month!! Woo hoo!!
No more oven that looks as old as I am!
No more flea infestations over the summer!
No more rats! (okay, one rat, but one was enough)
It's in Gig Harbor (about 20 minutes from where I live now, and over the Narrows Bridge), well within my budget, and much closer to where T. lives. And for the locals in the know who are cringing at the idea of having to commute with the Narrow's infamous bridge traffic, I work nights, so I can wave to the commute as I drive by it in the other direction.
Now begins packing hell (and the distinct pleasure of giving my present manager notice)....

Update: It's official! I'm out of the apt from hell at the end of the month!! Woo hoo!!
"Ancient Chinese secret huuuuh?"