Hello SG friends, been awhile since my last post. Things have been good and bad. I have been trying to find a new job, the one I have is just draining me both mentally and physically. I am hanging in there, the situation has been complicated as well with a friendship/grey area relationship that has just ultimately not been healthy for me. I have decided that no matter how much it may hurt, both of us, that I just cannot keep giving and giving without any signs of change or appreciation. I want to thank all of my friends here on SG and Facebook that have helped with comments and advice. It is usually I that is giving the advice so it is a little strange for me to hear such words. Thank you everyone and I want to give everyone a big kiss and hug! Gracias!
More Blogs
Tuesday Jul 10, 2007
LIfe has been a big up and down rollercoaster for me the last couple … -
Friday Jul 06, 2007
Wow what a busy week, and I still have too work today and tommorow =/… -
Sunday Jun 24, 2007
Hello everyone! Things have been busy for me since my last post. Work… -
Monday Jun 11, 2007
Hello everyone! Well my summer has been good so far. My job is not at… -
Tuesday May 22, 2007
Hello again everyone! Well it is starting to get a little warmer now … -
Friday May 11, 2007
So finally after 3 years of college I have finally earned my bachelor… -
Wednesday May 02, 2007
Ya estoy sintiendo mejor! Casi todas mis tareas estan echos! What a w… -
Tuesday Apr 24, 2007
It's been this type of week for me. I need to get away. Que Barba… -
Wednesday Apr 11, 2007
Ok so wow....where to begin.....the weather is soooo Shitty right now… -
Thursday Apr 05, 2007
Hello everyone, tonight I am having one of my insomnia bouts again so…